Code of Conduct

All children under the age of 18 are to wear FULL protective safety gear – Helmet, knee pads, Elbow pads and wrist guards
All skaters are to skate in a ANTICLOCKWISE direction
Slower skaters / beginners / those practising moves to the centre of the rink
Faster skaters to outside for ease of overtaking
No barging or deliberate contact
Refreshments to be kept off the skating area
All belongings to be kept off the skating area and in an orderly manner to prevent trip hazards
If fire alarm sounds all participants are to leave via nearest fire exit without delay leaving belongings behind
All children must be kept under control at all times and are not permitted to ‘play’ once out of their skates
Be kind and courteous to all
Any rudeness or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated, and will result in removal and ban from future attendance
Most Important – have FUN!